Sunday, October 7, 2012

"Blood, Sweat, and Tears"

For my next Google Day, i made my trek to my church, Rolling Hills Community Church where I would spend 2 or so hours beginning to take apart a wooden cabinet that had been built to house a sub and a speaker. as i began this process i saw that i was going to need either an incredible amount of hand strength, or a drill to get all of the screws out. The first layer of business that i had to get through was sheet metal that was placed across the front with a chain like pattern so sound could go through. when i was removing this, i was unaware of how sharp the sides would be from being cut to fit. as if the edges were barbed wire, i sliced my finger quite well. i guess a project isn't fully done well without blood, sweat, and tears. so i am one third of the way with done with that "requirement." all in all the pieces are coming together and my knowledge of what i have to do to make the room sound even better  is greater than it was bfore. hopefully i wont lose any more blood in this project.

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